Life isn’t lived by the square foot, so why is the value of a home determined that way?
At Grenadier Homes, we believe the calculation of the value of a home is much more nuanced. We call our calculation Life Value.
It starts with our analysis of how we can reduce your monthly cost of ownership. Then, we find all of the ways to give you a dramatic, efficient space with natural light and stylish finishes. Next, we engineer your home for energy efficiency and construction durability. We have streamlined our plans and enhanced our finishes based on more than 30 years of expertise to pass those savings on to you. Finally, we select communities which are highly sought-after and with access to nature and other amenities.
Let us help you compare the difference between your current housing cost and the cost at one of our homes. A smart investor always looks at the cost to buy and the cost to own. We will show you that the total cost to own both initially and over time can be so much less than you imagined. What could be more valuable than that?